§ 23-19.14-11 Filing and public comment onsettlement agreements. (a) The state shall provide, for settlement agreements that may be put intoeffect prior to July 1, 2007, an opportunity to persons who are not named asparties to the action to comment on the proposed agreement before its entry asa final judgment. Persons not named as parties to the action will have fourteen(14) days after the date of the notice of the proposed agreement to submitwritten comments. The state shall consider any written comments, views orallegations relating to the proposed agreement. The state may withdraw orwithhold its consent to the proposed settlement if the comments, views, orallegations concerning the judgment disclose facts or considerations thatindicate that the proposed judgment is inappropriate, improper or inadequate.
(b) The proposed agreement shall be considered final when allsubstantive public comments have been addressed.
(c) No later than thirty (30) days after a settlementagreement is deemed final, the agreement shall be filed with the administrativeadjudication division of the department of environmental management and shallbe deemed a final order of the director.