§ 23-19.14-18 Powers and duties of thedirector. (a) The director of the department of environmental management is authorized toexercise all powers, direct and incidental, necessary to carry out the purposesof this chapter. The director of the department of environmental management mayadopt any plans, rules, regulations, fees, procedures, and standards that maybe necessary to meet the declared policies and requirements of this chapter andreceives all desired federal grants, aid, and other benefits.
(b) Any rules or policies promulgated pursuant to thischapter shall, to the maximum extent practical, be compatible with the rules,regulations, procedures, and standards promulgated by the U.S. environmentalprotection agency pursuant to the comprehensive environmental response,compensation and liability act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. § 9601 et seq. ("CERCLA"or Superfund) or other applicable federal or state statutes.
(c) The director may institute administrative or civilproceedings, or may request the attorney general to do the same, to enforce anyprovision of this chapter or any rule, regulation or order issued pursuant tothis chapter.