§ 23-19.14-6 Liability for releases ofhazardous materials. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision or rule of law, and subject only to thedefenses presented in § 23-19.14-7, the state reaffirms the applicableprovisions of 19.1 of this title, § 42-17.1-2, chapter 12 and chapter 13.1of title 46 and defines the following parties as responsible parties which arestrictly, jointly and severally liable for the actual or threatened release ofany hazardous material at a site:
(1) The owner or operator of the site;
(2) Any person who at the time of disposal of any hazardousmaterial owned or operated the site;
(3) Any person who by contract, agreement, or otherwisearranged for disposal or treatment, or arranged with a transporter fortransport for disposal or treatment of hazardous materials owned or possessedby that person, at any site owned or operated by another party or entity andcontaining hazardous materials; and
(4) Any person who accepts or accepted any hazardousmaterials for transport to disposal or treatment facilities or sites selectedby that person, from which there is a release or a threatened release of ahazardous material which causes the incurrence of response costs.
(b) Responsible parties as defined in this section shall beliable for:
(1) All removal or remedial actions necessary to rectify theeffects of a release of hazardous material so that it does not cause asubstantial danger to present or future public health or welfare or theenvironment;
(2) All costs of removal or remedial action incurred by thestate including direct costs, indirect costs and the costs of overseeingresponse actions conducted by private parties;
(3) Any other necessary costs of removal or remedial actionincurred by any other person; and
(4) Damages for injury to, destruction of, or loss of naturalresources, including the reasonable costs of assessing the injury, destruction,or loss resulting from a release of hazardous material.