§ 23-19.15-4 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Cesspool" means any buried chamber other than anindividual sewage disposal system, including, but not limited to, any metaltank, perforated concrete vault or covered hollow or excavation, which receivesdischarges of sanitary sewage from a building for the purpose of collectingsolids and discharging liquids to the surrounding soil.
(2) "Department" means the department of environmentalmanagement as established in chapter 17.1 of title 42.
(3) "Director" means the director of the department ofenvironmental management or his or her designee.
(4) "Failed cesspool" means a cesspool where one or more ofthe following conditions exist: (i) the cesspool fails to accept or dispose ofsewage, as evidenced by sewage at the ground surface above or adjacent to thecesspool, or in the building served; (ii) the liquid depth in a cesspool isless than six (6) inches from the inlet pipe invert; (iii) pumping is requiredmore than two (2) times a year; (iv) the cesspool is shown to have contaminateda drinking water well or watercourse; or (v) there is shown to be directcontact between the bottom of the cesspool and the groundwater table.
(5) "Individual sewage disposal system" or "ISDS" means anysystem of piping, tanks, disposal areas, alternative toilets or otherfacilities designed to function as a unit to convey, store, treat and/ordispose of sanitary sewage, by means other than discharge into a public sewersystem.
(6) "System inspector" means a person approved by thedepartment as capable of properly assessing the condition of an ISDS.