§ 23-19.15-6 Cesspool removal andreplacement. (a) Cesspools found to be located within the areas identified in subsection23-19.15-5(a) above shall cease to be used for sewage disposal and shall beproperly abandoned in accordance with the following schedule:
(1) Tier 1. Any cesspool deemed by the department or asystem inspector to be failed in accordance with this chapter shall be properlyabandoned within one year of discovery unless an immediate public health hazardis identified, in which case the director may require a shorter period of time.
(2) Tier 2. Any cesspool located on a property whichhas a sewer stub enabling connection to a public sewer shall be properlyabandoned, and the building served by the cesspool shall be connected into thesewer system of such premises with such sewer and fill up and destroy anycesspool, privy vault, drain or other arrangement on such land for thereception of sewage, excluding any Rhode Island department of environmentalmanagement ISDS approved system, prior to the one year anniversary of the salein ownership. If such abutting owner or occupant of land who is required toconnect to the sewage system fails to do so in prescribed time period, thensuch abutting owner or occupant of land shall be required to pay usage fees asif such abutting owner or occupant of land were connected to the sewage system.
(3) Tier 3. Any cesspool within two hundred feet(200') of a public drinking water well, or within two hundred feet (200') ofthe inland edge of a shoreline feature bordering a tidal water area[corresponding to the jurisdiction of the RI Coastal Resources ManagementCouncil], or within two hundred feet (200) of a surface drinking watersupply [specifically, the impoundment from which water is drawn via theintake], shall be properly abandoned by January 1, 2013, excluding thoseproperties subject to subsection (a)(2) above.
(b) Any cesspool required to be abandoned pursuant to thischapter shall be replaced with an approved ISDS, or the building served by thecesspool shall be connected to a public sewer, prior to the applicabledeadlines contained in subsection 23-19.15-6(a).