§ 23-19.2-4 Order for removal of refuse,solid waste, filth, or nuisance Penalty for failure to comply. Any city or town council may order the owner or occupant of any premises in thecity or town to remove at his or her own expense any nuisance, refuse, solidwaste, source of filth, or filth, found on these premises, within twenty-four(24) hours, or any other time as the council may deem reasonable, after theservice of the notice as prescribed in § 23-19.2-5; and if the owner oroccupant neglects so to do, he or she shall be fined not exceeding fiftydollars ($50.00) for every day during which he or she knowingly permits thenuisance, refuse, solid waste, source of filth, or filth, to remain after thetime prescribed for its removal, to be recovered to and for the use of the cityor town.