§ 23-19.2-5 Service of notice to removerefuse, solid waste, overgrowth or filth. (a) The notice shall be in writing signed by the city or town clerk or designeeand served upon the owner or occupant in accordance with subdivision (1) or (2)as follows:
(1) The notice shall be served upon:
(i) An individual by delivering a copy of the notice to himor her personally or by leaving copies of the notice at his or her dwellinghouse or usual place of abode with some person of suitable age and discretionresiding there or by delivering a copy of the notice to an agent authorized byappointment or by law to receive this notice;
(ii) Upon a person for whom a guardian or conservator hasbeen appointed by serving copies of the notice upon this guardian orconservator;
(iii) Upon a public or private corporation, domestic orforeign, by delivering a copy of the notice to an officer, a managing orgeneral agent, or by leaving a copy of the notice at the office of thecorporation with a person employed there, or by delivering a copy of the noticeto an agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process.
(2) Notice shall be served by mailing a copy of the notice tothe individual or corporation by regular and registered or certified mail,return receipt requested, or by any other method ordered by the court to givethis individual or corporation notice of the action and sufficient time toprepare any defense.
(b) If two (2) notices of violation are unanswered, then themunicipal court judge has discretion to hold the violator in default for anyfine imposed.