§ 23-19.2-6 Removal of refuse, solidwaste, or filth. If the owner or occupant fails to comply with the order, the city or towncouncil may cause the nuisance, source of filth, refuse, solid waste, or filthto be removed; and all expenses incurred by the city or town shall be paid bythe owner, occupant, or other person who caused or permitted the refuse, solidwaste, or filth to be recovered in an action brought in the name of the city ortown. Any expenses not paid within thirty (30) days after notice is served inaccordance with § 23-19.2-5 shall be a lien against the real property. Thelien shall be recorded with the records of land evidence of the municipality,and the lien shall incur legal interest from the date of recording. The costincurred by the city or town, plus the interest shall be added to the amount oftaxes due on said real estate, if any. The tax collector of the city or townshall have the same powers and shall be subject to the same duties with respectto this claim as in the case of the annual taxes upon real estate, and theprovisions of law relative to the collection of any annual taxes, the sale ortaking of land for the nonpayment of these taxes and the redemption of thissold and taken land shall apply to this claim.