§ 23-19.3-5 Application for registration Examination Issuance of certificate. (a) A person who desires to be registered as a sanitarian shall file with thedivision of professional regulation an application upon a form to be prescribedand furnished by the division of professional regulation. He or she shallinclude in the application, under oath, his or her qualifications as asanitarian. The application shall be accompanied by a registration fee of onehundred and seventy dollars ($170).
(b) If the division of professional regulation deems theeducation qualifications of the applicant are satisfactory and if he or shepasses an examination, both written and oral, satisfactory to the division ofprofessional regulation, the division shall issue him or her a certificate ofregistration. The certificate of registration shall expire at the end of thecalendar year, and may be renewed on or before January fifteenth (15th) of thefollowing year. The fee for renewal of a certificate of registration shall befifty dollars ($50).