§ 23-19.6-6 Public education program. The director shall conduct a public education program to inform the public ofthe need for and the benefits of collecting and recycling used oil in order toconserve resources and preserve the environment. As part of this program, thedirector shall:
(1) Require persons regularly engaged in the business ofselling lubricating or other oil in containers for use off the premises to postand maintain, at or near the point of display or sale, durable and legiblesigns informing the public of the illegality of improper disposal of used oil,and how and where used oil may be properly disposed of, including, wheneverfeasible, locations and hours of operation of conveniently located collectionfacilities;
(2) Establish, maintain, and publicize a used oil informationcenter that will explain local, state, and federal laws and regulationsgoverning used oil, and will inform holders of quantities of used oil on howand where and in what manner used oil may be properly disposed of;
(3) Encourage the use of labeling for oil containers and/ordistribution of informational material with oil as it is sold, to inform theuser of the importance of proper collection and disposal of used oil.