§ 23-19.7-2 Legislative findings, policy,and intent. The general assembly recognizes and declares that the people of the statedesire to promote high standards of human health and a clean and wholesomeenvironment; that industries within the state generate hazardous wastes in thecourse of their operations and have difficulty in obtaining appropriatehazardous waste management services at reasonable costs; that a shortage ofenvironmentally acceptable and reasonably available hazardous waste managementfacilities threatens to undermine the high standards of human health, the cleanand wholesome environment, and the continued economic growth which the peopleof the state desire to promote; that the technology and management practicespresently exists to manage hazardous wastes without unacceptable risk to publichealth or the environment; and that it is necessary that a hazardous wastemanagement facility siting process be established which protects the interestsof all the state's citizens.