§ 23-19.7-4 Permitted use in areas zonedfor process manufacturing Regulation of uses in certain other areas. (a) Hazardous waste management facilities, other than landfills and undergroundinjection wells, shall be a permitted use on any locus zoned for industrial useinvolving manufacturing processes.
(b) Cities and towns shall not change the zoning designationof any locus zoned for industrial use involving manufacturing processes, afteran application for a hazardous waste management facility permit pursuant to theHazardous Waste Management Act, chapter 19.1 of this title, has been submitted.Cities and towns may change the zoning designation of a locus zoned forindustrial use involving manufacturing processes, after an application for ahazardous waste management facility pursuant to the Hazardous Waste ManagementAct, chapter 19.1 of this title, has been withdrawn or denied and avenues ofappeal have been exhausted or waived.
(c) Cities and towns may by ordinance prohibit or regulate orrestrict the use of landfills or underground injection wells as a means forhazardous waste disposal or management.
(d) Cities and towns may, prior to a developer applying for apermit under the Hazardous Waste Management Act, chapter 19.1 of this title,and on the basis of competent hydrologic and water quality analysis, prohibit,or regulate by ordinance the siting of hazardous waste management facilitiessubject to the provisions of this chapter in the watershed of a public drinkingwater supply reservoir or in the recharge area of a groundwater acquifer whichsupplies or has been shown to be capable of supplying a public drinking watersystem.