§ 23-20.11-2 Legislative findings. It is hereby found and declared as follows:
(1) The general assembly finds that cigarettes are one of theleading causes of fire deaths in this state and in the nation. Each year700-900 people are killed in the United States due to cigarette fires; 3,000are injured in fires ignited by cigarettes. A high proportion of the victims ofcigarette fires are nonsmokers, including senior citizens and young children.Cigarette-caused fires result in billions of dollars of property losses anddamage in the United States and millions of dollars in this state. Cigarettefires unnecessarily jeopardize firefighters and result in avoidable emergencyresponse costs for municipalities.
(2) The general assembly further finds that the state of NewYork has enacted a cigarette fire safety regulation effective June 28, 2004that requires that cigarettes sold in that state meet the fire safetyperformance standards. In 2005, the states of Vermont and California signedinto law cigarette fire safety acts that directly incorporate New York'sregulation into statute; and in 2006, the states of Illinois, New Hampshire,and Massachusetts did the same. Canada implemented the New York State firesafety standard as of October 2005, becoming the first nation to have acigarette fire safety standard.
(3) The general assembly finds that New York State'scigarette fire safety standard is based upon decades of research by theNational Institute of Standards and Technology, Congressional research groupsand private industry.
(4) It is the general assembly's intent that the state ofRhode Island adopt the cigarette fire safety standard that is in effect in NewYork State, and the other states listed above, to reduce the likelihood thatcigarettes will cause fires and result in deaths, injuries and property damage.It is further the legislature's intent to adopt such a cigarette fire safetystandard with a minimum of cost to the state and with minimum burden tocigarette manufacturers, distributors and retail sellers as set forth herein.