§ 23-20.5-2 Choke-saving techniques Obligation and liability of choke-savers. (a) The director shall require food-service establishments to post inconspicuous locations diagrams and illustrations that demonstratenon-instrumental choke-saving techniques.
(b) Choke-saving and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)masks and gloves to protect rescuers shall be available in an accessible areaof each food service establishment to ensure patrons and/or staff can accessthem for use with a victim within three (3) minutes from the identification ofa choking incident. Patrons must be notified in a clear and conspicuous mannerthat said resuscitation equipment is available and its location.
(c) Except as otherwise provided by law, no person shall beobligated to remove, assist in removing, or attempt to remove, food which maybecome stuck in a person's throat, nor shall any person who negligently underthe circumstances removes or attempts to remove such food in an emergency beliable for any civil damages as a result of any acts or omissions by the personin rendering the emergency assistance.