§ 23-20.9-4 Definitions. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Person" means any person or persons including but notlimited to contract or other workers on school property, school students,school administrators, school employees, school faculty, and school visitors.
(2) "School or schools" means any non-residential schoolbuilding, public or private, of any city or town or community educationalsystem regulated, directly or secondarily, by the board of regents forelementary and secondary education or the department of elementary andsecondary education or any other state education board or local city or townschool board or school committee or other legal educational subdivision actingunder it. As used in this chapter, the term "school or schools" includes but isnot limited to school playgrounds, school administration buildings, indoorschool athletic facilities, school gymnasiums, school locker rooms, schoolbuses, other school vehicles, other school buildings whose use is not primarilyresidential, and outside areas within twenty-five (25) feet of any schoolbuilding.
(3) "Governing body" means the body, board, committee orindividual, or its designated agent(s) or designee(s), responsible for, orwhich has control over, the administration of any elementary or secondaryschool, public or private, in the state.
(4) "Tobacco product usage" means the smoking or use of anysubstance or item which contains tobacco, including but not limited tocigarettes, cigars, pipes, or other smoking tobacco, or the use of snuff orsmokeless tobacco, or having in one's possession a lighted cigarette, cigar,pipe, or other substance or item containing tobacco.