§ 23-21.1-7 Bathing watermonitoring/management. To minimize the human health risk associated with swimming in contaminatedbathing waters; the department shall require all bathing beach operators totest bathing waters adjacent to their bathing beach for pathogens and/orpathogen indicators established under this chapter and authorized regulations,to ensure those waters meet minimum sanitation standards for water quality atbathing beaches. Furthermore, the department shall incorporate the followingminimum provisions:
(1) The owner of a bathing beach shall be required to pay forthe costs of sampling, analysis and monitoring of bathing waters adjacent tosuch facilities at a laboratory approved by the department. Said laboratoryshall immediately notify by fax or email the department and the beach owner ofall bathing water sample results.
(2) The department shall determine at which sites to conducttesting and the number of samples required to be taken at bathing beaches. Thebathing beach sampler shall record site conditions at the time of sampling, asrequired by the department, such as number of bathers and waterfowl and otherconditions that may affect bathing water quality. The department shallconsider, but shall not be limited to, the following factors in determining atwhich site to conduct testing and monitoring of bathing water:
(i) Prior testing results for such bathing waters;
(ii) The length of coastline to be tested and monitored;
(iii) The number of people who use the bathing beachannually; and
(iv) Whether the beach is located adjacent to a storm waterdrain; sewage, industrial, commercial or agricultural wastewater discharge; orother source of contamination such as marinas or waterfowl.
(3) The department shall determine at what frequency toconduct sampling, analysis, and monitoring of bathing waters. Sampling,analysis, and monitoring shall begin two (2) weeks prior to the bathing seasonfor each bathing beach and continue until the bathing beach closes for theseason. Sampling, analysis, and monitoring shall be conducted on a minimumweekly basis during the bathing season, and at such times and under suchconditions as shall be sufficient to protect public health and safety. Thedepartment may grant a variance from the weekly testing requirement for abathing beach only where there is a documented history of satisfactory sampleresults and no known sources of pollution that may jeopardize public health.
(4) Each bathing beach operator shall be responsible foroperating the beach in a manner designed to protect public health and safety.Feeding of waterfowl at the beach shall be prohibited and the beach shall beleft clean at night in order to not attract waterfowl and other animals.