§ 23-21-2 License required Issuanceand expiration of license. No person shall maintain within this state any recreation facility or use untilthat person shall have obtained a license for a facility or use from thedepartment. The director, upon receipt of an application for a recreationfacility or use shall cause the facility or use to be inspected and, if thefacility or use is found to comply with the provisions of this chapter and theregulations adopted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, shallissue a license upon receipt of a fee of one hundred sixty dollars ($160). Inorder to set the license renewal dates so that all activities for eachestablishment can be combined on one license instead of on several licenses,the license renewal date shall be set by the department of health. The licenseperiod shall be for twelve (12) months, commencing on the license renewal date,unless sooner suspended or revoked for violation of the provisions of thischapter or the regulations adopted in accordance with this chapter, and thelicense fee shall be at the full annual rate regardless of the date ofapplication or the date of issuance of license. If the license renewal date ischanged, the department may make an adjustment to the fees of licensedestablishments, not to exceed the annual license fee, in order to implement thechange in license renewal date.