§ 23-22.5-1 Rules, regulations, and orders Facilities to which applicable. (a) The department of environmental management is authorized and empowered toadopt and prescribe rules of procedure and regulations and to amend, change,and/or repeal these rules and regulations and make any orders and perform anyactions that it may deem necessary to the proper administration and supervisionof drowning prevention, lifesaving, first aid and safety personnel andequipment of all camps, camp grounds, bathhouses, bathing resorts, beachsidemotels or boarding houses, beachside parking areas, swimming pools, other beachand swimming areas, surfing areas, amusement parks, and skiing areas whichserve all and/or any part of the general public by fee, membership, orinvitation. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to facilitiesmaintained by a person without charge or assessment to the general public andwhich are for the sole use of his or her family, private guests, or tenants.
(b) The department shall charge an annual fee of ten dollars($10.00) for lifeguard certification required by the rules and regulations. Thefunds shall be appropriated to the "user fees at state beaches, parks andrecreation areas development fund" established under § 42-17.1-29.