§ 23-22-1 Definitions. (a) "Person" as used in this chapter includes any partnership, association,corporation, city, or town.
(b) "Swimming pool," as used in this chapter, includes allswimming pools, wading pools, and therapeutic pools owned or maintained by anyperson, partnership, association, corporation, city, or town, or the state,except swimming pools maintained by an individual for the sole use of theindividual's household and guests without charge for admission and not for thepurpose of profit or in connection with any business operated for the purposeof profit, and except also swimming pools owned or maintained by the UnitedStates. The term "swimming pools" wherever the context requires shall beconstrued to include the apparatus, structure, and equipment pertaining to theswimming pool, the premises on which the swimming pool is located, and thepremises appurtenant to this.