§ 23-22-2 Rules and regulations. The department of health shall make any rules and regulations, not inconsistentwith this chapter, that it may deem advisable with reference to the design,equipment, condition, and maintenance of swimming pools for the purpose ofinsuring the health and safety of its users, and with reference to thesubmission of samples of water to the department for the purpose of theanalysis as required in this chapter. The department may also make any rulesand regulations, not inconsistent with this chapter, as it may deem advisable,requiring and regulating the display of the licenses provided for in §23-22-7, and as to any and all matters pertaining to the administration of thischapter, and may from time to time rescind, modify, and amend the rules andregulations made by it pursuant to this section. The department shall uponrequest furnish to any person owning or maintaining a swimming pool or applyingfor a license to maintain a swimming pool a copy of the rules and regulationsmade by it pursuant to this section.