§ 23-22-8 Suspension and revocation oflicense. Whenever the department of health shall have reason to believe that anyswimming pool, licensed as provided in § 23-22-7, is being maintained inviolation of the rules and regulations of the department, or whenever thedepartment has reason to believe that the condition and method of maintenanceof any such swimming pool will be detrimental to the health and safety of itsusers, the department may, pending an investigation and hearing, suspend for aperiod not exceeding thirty (30) days any license issued under authority ofthis chapter and the department may, after due notice and hearing, revoke anylicense if it finds that the swimming pool is being maintained in violation ofthe rules and regulations of the department, or if the department shall besatisfied that the condition and method of maintenance of the pool will bedetrimental to the health and safety of its users. The holder of a licenseshall upon its revocation promptly surrender it to the department.