§ 23-23.1-5 Proclamation of episode andissuance of orders. If the director determines at any time that air pollution, in any place or areain the state, constitutes an unreasonable and emergency risk to the health ofthose present within that area of the state, that determination shall becommunicated in writing, with the factual findings on which the determinationis based, to the governor. Upon being so advised, the governor may byproclamation declare, as to all or any part of the area mentioned in thedetermination, that an air pollution episode exists, and upon making thedeclaration the governor shall have the following powers which he or she mayexercise in whole or in part by the issuance of an order or orders:
(1) To prohibit, restrict, or condition motor vehicle travelof every kind, including trucks and buses, in the area;
(2) To prohibit, restrict, or condition the operation ofretail, commercial, manufacturing, industrial, or similar activity in the area;
(3) To prohibit, restrict, or condition operation ofincinerators in the area;
(4) To prohibit, restrict, or condition the burning or otherconsumption of any type of fuel in the area;
(5) To prohibit, restrict, or condition the burning of anymaterials in open fires in the area;
(6) To prohibit, restrict, or condition any and all otheractivity in the area which contributes or may contribute to the air pollutionemergency.