§ 23-23.6-3 Authority of the director. The director is authorized to:
(1) Take all measures necessary to implement the provisionsof this chapter, including, but not limited to:
(i) Receive and administer funding allocated for indoor aircontrol programs by the state, agencies of the federal government and otherappropriate funding sources;
(ii) Require the owner of an ice arena to perform any testsof air quality that he or she may determine to be necessary to characterize theexposure of ice arena occupants to carbon monoxide and other harmful gases;
(iii) Institute a public information program with the purposeof informing the public regarding health effects of carbon monoxide and otherharmful gases in ice arenas, the necessity for testing air quality in icearenas, the recommended practices for reducing elevated levels of carbonmonoxide and other harmful gases in ice arenas, and related issues.
(2) Issue any rules and regulations that may be necessary toimplement the provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to:
(i) Establish air quality standards for carbon monoxide andother harmful gases in ice arenas;
(ii) Establish criteria for certification of acceptable airquality in ice arenas;
(iii) Establish criteria for sampling of carbon monoxide andother harmful gases in ice arenas;
(iv) Require owners/operators of ice arenas to conductappropriate monitoring for carbon monoxide and other harmful gases.
(3) In promulgating standards and regulations authorized bythis chapter, the director shall give due consideration to recommendations,standards and definitions of other states and the United States.
(4) The director may assess fees for certificates ofacceptable air quality issued in accordance with regulations promulgatedpursuant to the authority conferred by this section. The director is authorizedto assess fees for air quality inspections of ice arenas in accordance withregulations promulgated pursuant to the authority conferred by this section,provided that these fees are assessed only after procedures in accordance withchapter 35 of title 42 have been followed.