§ 23-23-18 Regulation of burning in openfires. (a) The director may, by rule or regulation, prohibit the burning of anymaterial in an open fire by any person on premises operated as a public orsemi-public refuse disposal facility or at other central refuse disposal sites.The director may also prohibit the burning of any material in an open fire byany person in connection with any salvage, industrial, commercial, orinstitutional operation.
(b) Nothing in this chapter shall interfere with the rightand responsibility of cities and towns to adopt and enforce laws, ordinances,rules, or regulations prohibiting open fires, except as provided in subsection(a).
(c) It is the policy of the state that open fires shall beeliminated to the maximum extent possible. It is also the policy of the statethat regulation of open fires shall be the responsibility of politicalsubdivisions of the state. All cities and towns are empowered to prohibit openfires by ordinances or regulations except those open fires as described insubsection (a).