§ 23-23-29.3 Non-road diesel engineidling. On or before July 1, 2007, the department shall adopt rules governing dieselengine idling to restrict the unnecessary operation of non-road diesel engines.So far as is reasonably feasible, the rules shall provide that no entity shallcause, suffer, allow or permit the unnecessary idling of a non-road dieselengine. Non-road diesel engines to be considered in this rulemaking shallinclude, but may not be limited to, construction engines, airport groundsupport equipment, commercial and industrial equipment. Unnecessary idlingshall not include such periods and circumstances as the department maydetermine as reasonably requiring that the engine remain idling, which periodsmay include, but not be limited to, when airfield maintenance vehicles arebeing used on a state-owned or operated airport. This provision shall notextend to any diesel powered engine and/or vehicle that must continuouslyoperate while stationary in order to function properly, a vehicle makingdeliveries of fuel or energy products, or to insure workplace safety.