§ 23-23-5.1 Funds created. (a) There is established a general revenue reserve account within the generalfund to finance the state clean air program. The sums the director collectspursuant to the civil penalties, administrative penalties, criminal penalties,and all sums and fees collected pursuant to all aspects of the air pollutionprogram except operating fees collected pursuant to § 23-23-5(18) shall bedeposited as general revenue. The money appropriated to the program shall beused to cover all direct and indirect costs associated with administering theair pollution program under the provisions of this chapter.
(b) There is established a general revenue account within thegeneral fund to fund the clean air operating permit fee program. The operatingfees the director collects pursuant to § 23-23-5(18) of this chapter shallbe deposited as general revenues. The money appropriated to the program shallbe used to cover all reasonable (direct and indirect) costs required to developand administer an operating permit program pursuant to the requirements oftitle V, of the Clean Air Act amendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. § 7661 et seq.