§ 23-24.1-3 Technical advisory committee Packaging regulations. (a) The director may establish, as he or she deems necessary, an ad hoctechnical advisory committee to assist and advise him or her in establishingany standards deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
(b) All regulations prescribing standards for the specialpackaging of household substances now or hereafter adopted under the authorityof the federal act are the regulatory standards for special packaging ofhousehold substances in this state. The director may by regulation provide formodification or deviation from these regulations when he or she deems itnecessary and advisable, whether or not the modifications or deviations are inaccordance with the regulations adopted pursuant to the federal act.
(2) A federal regulation automatically adopted pursuant tothis chapter takes effect in this state on the date it becomes effective as afederal regulation. No publication or hearing is required; provided, that thedirector shall publish all of the regulations in a newspaper having generalcirculation throughout the state. A person who may be adversely affected by aregulation may, within 30 days after a federal regulation is automaticallyadopted, file with the director, in writing, objections and a request for ahearing. The timely filing of substantial objections to a federal regulationautomatically adopted stays the effect of the regulation.
(3) If no substantial objections are received and no hearingis requested within thirty (30) days after publication of a proposedregulation, it shall take effect as of the date it was adopted by the federalgovernment.
(4) If timely substantial objections are made to a federalregulation within thirty (30) days after it is automatically adopted, thedirector, after notice, shall conduct a public hearing in accordance with theprovisions of chapter 35 of title 42.
(5) The director is authorized to promulgate any rules andregulations necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this chapter.
(c) All regulations prescribing standards for the specialpackaging of household substances now or hereafter adopted under the authorityof the federal act are the regulatory standards for special packaging ofhousehold substances in this state.
(d) Compliance with federal regulations prescribing standardsissued pursuant to the federal act shall be deemed in compliance with thischapter.
(e) Nothing in this chapter shall authorize the director toprescribe specific packaging designs, product content, package quantity, orwith the exception of authority granted in § 23-24.1-4(a)(2), labeling. Inthe case of a household substance for which special packaging is requiredpursuant to a regulation under this section, the director may in the regulationprohibit the packaging of the substance in packages which he or she determinesare unnecessarily attractive to children.