§ 23-24.2-11 Investigations. (a) The consumer protection unit of the department of attorney general shallconduct a continuing study and investigation of the deaths, injuries, andeconomic losses resulting from the accidental burning of products, fabrics, orrelated materials. The consumer protection unit of the department of attorneygeneral shall submit annually a report to the governor and to the generalassembly the results of the study and investigation.
(b) In cooperation with appropriate public and privateagencies, the consumer protection unit of the department of attorney general isauthorized to:
(1) Conduct research into the flammability of products,fabrics, and materials;
(2) Conduct feasibility studies on reduction of flammabilityof products, fabrics, and materials;
(3) Develop flammability test methods and testing devices; and
(4) Offer appropriate training in the use of flammabilitytest methods and testing devices.
(c) The consumer protection unit of the department ofattorney general shall annually report the results of these activities to thegeneral assembly.