§ 23-24.2-3 Prohibited transactions. (a) The manufacture for sale, the sale, or the offering for sale, in commerce,or the introduction, delivery for introduction, transportation or causing to betransported, in commerce, or the sale or delivery after a sale or shipment, ofany product, fabric, or related material which fails to conform to anapplicable standard or regulation issued or amended under the provisions of§ 23-24.2-4, shall be unlawful and shall be an unfair method ofcompetition and unfair and deceptive act or practice in commerce under theDeceptive Trade Practices Act, chapter 13.1 of title 6.
(b) The manufacture for sale, the sale, or the offering forsale of any product made of fabric or related material which fails to conformto an applicable standard or regulation issued or amended under §23-24.2-4 and which has been shipped or received in commerce shall be unlawfuland shall be an unfair method of competition and an unfair and deceptive act orpractice in commerce under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act, chapter 13.1 oftitle 6.