§ 23-24.2-5 Administration andenforcement. (a) Except as otherwise specifically provided, §§ 23-24.2-3,23-24.2-6, 23-24.2-8(b) and this section shall be enforced by the attorneygeneral of Rhode Island under rules, regulations, and procedures provided forin the Deceptive Trade Practices Act, chapter 13.1 of title 6.
(b) The attorney general is authorized and directed toprevent any person from violating the provisions of § 23-24.2-3, in thesame manner, by the same means, and with the same jurisdiction, powers, andduties as though all applicable terms and provisions of the Deceptive TradePractices Act were incorporated into and made a part of this chapter; and anyperson violating any provision of § 23-24.2-3 shall be subject to thepenalties and entitled to the privileges and immunities provided in theDeceptive Trade Practices Act as though the applicable terms and provisions ofthe Deceptive Trade Practices Act were incorporated into and made a part ofthis chapter.
(c) The director is authorized and directed to prescribe anyrules and regulations, including provisions for maintenance of records relatingto fabrics, related materials, and products, that may be necessary and properfor administration and enforcement of this chapter. The violation of thoserules and regulations shall be unlawful and shall be an unfair method ofcompetition and an unfair and deceptive act or practice in commerce under theDeceptive Trade Practices Act.
(d) The director is authorized to:
(1) Cause inspections, analyses, tests, and examinations tobe made of any product, fabric, or related material which the director hasreason to believe falls within the prohibitions of this chapter; and
(2) Cooperate on matters related to the purposes of thischapter with any department or agency of federal and Rhode Island stategovernment, or with any department, agency, or political subdivision of these,or with any person.