§ 23-24.3-2 Definitions. (a) "Director" means the director of environmental management or his or herdesignee.
(b) "Groundwater" means water collected and stored in thesaturated zone beneath the ground surface.
(c) "Person" means an individual, trust, firm, joint stockcompany, corporation (including a government corporation), partnership,association, state, municipality, commission, or political subdivision of astate.
(d) "Restricted chemical material" means any solid or liquidmaterial or combination thereof, which contains concentrations in excess of onepart per hundred by weight of:
(1) A halogenated hydrocarbon chemical (aliphatic oraromatic) including, but not limited to, trichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene,methylene chloride, halogenated benzenes, carbon tetrachloride,trichloroethylene, or
(2) Any aromatic hydrocarbon chemical including, but notlimited to, benzene, toluene, naphthalene, or
(3) Any phenol derivative in which a hydroxy group and two(2) or more halogen atoms are bonded directly to a six (6) carbon aromatic ringincluding, but not limited to, trichlorophenol, pentachlorophenol, or
(4) Acrolein, acrylonitrile, or benzidine or any solid orliquid material or combination thereof which is designated a "restrictedchemical material" by the director pursuant to § 23-24.3-4.
(e) "Sewerage system" means any part of a wastewater disposalsystem including, but not limited to, toilets, piping, drains, sewers, septictanks, distribution boxes, absorption or leaching fields, seepage pits,cesspools, and drywells.
(f) "Sewerage system cleaner" means any solid or liquidmaterial or combination of these intended to be used or used primarily for thepurpose of cleaning, treating, degreasing, unclogging, disinfecting,deodorizing, or enhancing the functioning of any part of a sewerage system.Excluded from this definition are liquid and solid products intended or usedprimarily for cleaning, scouring, treating, deodorizing, disinfecting,sanitizing, or sterilizing the surfaces of sinks and toilets and similar commonplumbing fixtures.