§ 23-24.4-2 Purpose and findings. (a) It is found that the health and safety of the people of the state arethreatened by the proliferation of hazardous substances and that the people canbegin to control exposure to these substances and to remediate the effects ofthat exposure only by knowledge of what hazardous substances are beingproduced, used, stored, emitted, discharged, or transported within the state.It is further found that, while the department of environmental management istaking steps to make known to residents all available information on hazardousdischarges or emissions within the state, residents of the state have noestablished means of access to employers' lists of hazardous substances andmaterial safety data sheets and that residents should have access to thoselists and sheets.
(b) It is declared in the public interest and the policy ofthe state that residents of the state have access to those lists and safetysheets.