§ 23-24.5-11 Complaint process. (a) An occupant of any building or the parent or guardian of any minor who isan occupant of a building or an employee working in a building or thatemployee's representative may request the director to undertake an inspectionof that building for the purpose of detecting friable asbestos, of demandingenforcement of an abatement plan, and/or to request copies of inspectionspreviously undertaken of any asbestos abatement plan related to the occupant'sbuilding by notifying the director in writing of the request by identifying thebuilding location and address and by setting forth any reason for suspectingthe existence of friable asbestos in the building.
(b) The director shall within forty-five (45) days of receiptof that request answer the request in writing setting forth the results of anyinspection undertaken, the reason for not undertaking an inspection, or foreither not abating or for abating the asbestos condition of the building.
(c) Any occupant not receiving an answer within forty-five(45) days or not satisfied with the response of the director may request anorder for the relief requested through the Administrative Procedures Act,chapter 35 of title 42, from the department's hearing officer and appeal as anaggrieved party.
(d) The name of the complainant shall remain confidential.
(e) No public employee or beneficiary of public funds makinga request or complaint to the director shall, as a result of a request orcomplaint, be subject to any retaliatory action, discriminatory act, jobdismissal, suspension, or discipline by any person. Any employee or beneficiarysubjected to this action shall be entitled to all the rights and remedies setforth in the Rhode Island Whistleblowers Act, chapter 50 of title 28.