§ 23-24.6-12 Comprehensive environmentallead inspections. The department shall develop and promulgate regulations for:
(1) Conducting comprehensive environmental lead inspections,which regulations shall, at a minimum, include procedures for:
(i) Inspecting, testing, and/or sampling of drinking water,household dust, painted surfaces, soil, and/or other appropriate fixed surfacesthat may contain lead;
(ii) Notification of owners, occupants, and mortgagees andlienholders and/or the posting of warnings when unacceptable environmental leadlevels are identified during an inspection; and
(iii) Notifying the department of the results of inspections;
(2) For other inspections necessary to accomplish thepurposes of this chapter; and
(3) Collection of environmental media samples, including, butnot limited to, dust, soil, paint, pewter, pottery, and water, and fieldanalysis of their lead content.