§ 23-24.6-5 Environmental lead program. (a) There is established within the department of health an environmental leadprogram which shall be responsible for creating a coordinated and comprehensiveprogram for lead poisoning prevention, including screening and detection,education, lead hazard reduction, and enforcement. The program shall exerciseany and all authorities of the department which may be necessary andappropriate, including but not limited to promulgating and enforcingregulations, which regulations shall set forth a general framework for actionsto be taken in response to childhood lead poisoning at different blood leadlevels.
(b) The department shall develop an educational programregarding environmental lead exposures and lead poisoning.
(c) The department shall promulgate regulations foracceptable environmental lead levels in dwellings, where a child under the ageof six (6) years with environmental intervention blood lead level or greaterresides, and in buildings or properties frequently used by children under theage of six (6) years, including standards for lead on painted surfaces andsurface coatings, drinking water, household dusts, and soil.