§ 23-24.6-9 Reimbursement by third partypayers. Screening for lead poisoning and lead screening related services for childrenunder six (6) years of age as required by department regulations and diagnosticevaluations for lead poisoning for children under six (6) years of age,including but not limited to confirmatory blood lead testing, shall be acovered health benefit and be reimbursable under any general or blanket policyof accident or health insurance offered by an insurer except for supplementalpolicies which only provide coverage for specific diseases, hospital indemnityMedicare supplements, or other supplemental policies. The department of humanservices shall pay for the lead screening and lead screening related anddiagnostic evaluation services where the patient is eligible for medicalassistance under the provisions of chapter 8 of title 40. The department ofhealth shall pay for the lead screening and lead screening related anddiagnostic evaluation services where the patient is not covered by any healthinsurance. All companies which are self insured for health care services willbe encouraged by the department to participate as other insurers.