§ 23-24.9-12 Limitations on the use ofelemental mercury. After January 1, 2003, no person may sell or provide elemental mercury toanother person in Rhode Island, except for manufacturing or recycling ordisposal purposes, without providing a material safety data sheet, as definedin the United States Code, title 42, section 11049 [42 U.S.C. §11049], and requiring the purchaser or recipient to sign a statement thatthe purchaser: (1) will use the mercury only for medical, dental amalgamdispose-caps, research, or manufacturing purposes; (2) understands that mercuryis toxic and that the purchaser will store and use it appropriately so that noperson is exposed to the mercury; and (3) will not place or allow anyone underthe purchaser's control to place or cause to be placed the mercury in solidwaste for disposal or in a wastewater treatment and disposal system.