§ 23-24.9-15 State procurement preferencesfor low or nonmercury-added products. (a) Notwithstanding other policies and guidelines for the procurement ofequipment, supplies, and other products, the Rhode Island department ofadministration shall by January 1, 2003, revise its policies, rules andprocedures to implement the purposes of this chapter.
(b) The Rhode Island department of administration shall givepriority and preference to the purchase of equipment, supplies, and otherproducts that do not contain mercury-added compounds or components, unlessthere is no economically feasible nonmercury-added alternative that performs asimilar function. In circumstances where a nonmercury-added product is notavailable, preference shall be given to the purchase of products that containthe least amount of mercury-added to the product necessary for the requiredperformance.
(c) State dental insurance contracts negotiated after January1, 2003, shall provide coverage for non-mercury fillings at no additionalexpense to the state employee.