§ 23-24.9-17 State review. The department shall, in consultation with the conference of New EnglandGovernors/Eastern Canadian Premiers Environment Committee and/or an interstatemercury clearinghouse should one be developed, coordinate a review of theeffectiveness of this chapter no later than January 1, 2006, and shall providea report based upon that review to the governor and general assembly. Thereport shall review the effectiveness of the programs as established under thechapter and contain recommendations for improving them. As part of this review,the department shall evaluate the effectiveness of the collection systemsestablished under this chapter and determine whether additional state authorityor targeted capture rates are needed to improve those systems. In addition tothis review process, the department shall evaluate the need for additionalincentives for manufacturers of mercury-added products that are below ten (10)milligrams to reduce the amount of mercury in those products.