§ 23-24.9-4 Interstate clearinghouse. The department is authorized to participate in the establishment andimplementation of a regional, multi-state clearinghouse to assist in carryingout the requirements of this chapter and to help coordinate reviews of themanufacturers' notifications regarding mercury-added products, applications forphase-out exemptions, the collection system plans, the disclosures of mercurycontent for products defined in § 23-24.9-3, applications for alternativelabeling/notification systems, education and outreach activities, and any otherrelated functions. The clearinghouse may also maintain a list of all mercuryadded products; a file on all exemptions granted by the state; a file of allthe manufacturers' reports on the effectiveness of their collection systems;and a file of the certificates of analysis for mercury-added products used byhealthcare facilities as defined in § 23-24.9-11.