§ 23-24.9-5 Notification. (a) No later than January 1, 2002, no mercury-added product shall be offeredfor final sale or use or distributed for promotional purposes in Rhode Islandwithout prior notification in writing by the manufacturer of the product, orits industry trade group, to the director in accordance with the requirementsof this section. Such notification shall at a minimum include: (1) a briefdescription of the product to be offered for sale, use, or distribution; (2)the amount of and purpose for mercury in each unit of the product; (3) thetotal amount of mercury contained in all products manufactured by themanufacturer; and (4) the name and address of the manufacturer, and the name,address and phone number of a contact.
(b) Any mercury-added product for which federal law governsnotice in a manner that preempts state authority shall be exempt from therequirements of this section.
(c) With the approval of the director, the manufacturer maysupply the information required in subsection (a) of this section for a productcategory rather than an individual product. The manufacturer shall update andrevise the information in the notification whenever there is significant changein the information or when requested by the director. The director may defineand adopt specific requirements for the content and submission of the requirednotification.
(d) A fabricated mercury-added product manufacturer is notrequired to provide mercury content information on its mercury-added componentif the component manufacturer has provided the information to the departmentand if the fabricated mercury-added product manufacturer notifies thedepartment of the specific components used in the fabricated mercury-addedproduct.