§ 23-25-23 Records. (a) Any person issued a pesticide dealer's license under the provisions of thischapter shall be required by the director to keep accurate records containingthe following information:
(1) The delivery, movement, or holding of any restricted useor state limited use pesticide, including the quantity;
(2) The date of shipment and receipt;
(3) The name of consignor and name and certification numberof the consignee; and
(4) Any other information necessary for the enforcement ofthis chapter as prescribed in regulations adopted by the director.
(b) The director or his or her agent shall have access to therecords at any reasonable time to copy or make copies of the records for thepurpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter. Unless required for theenforcement of this chapter, that information shall be confidential and, ifsummarized, shall not identify an individual person.
(c) The director shall require certified applicators tomaintain records with respect to applications of "restricted use" and "statelimited use" pesticides and may require those records on all pesticides. Anyrelevant information that the director may deem necessary may be specified byregulation. The records shall be kept for a period of at least two (2) yearsfrom the date of the application to which the records refer, and the directorshall, upon a request in writing, immediately be furnished with a copy of therecords by the certified applicator.
(d) The director may require licensed commercial applicatorsto maintain records with respect to applications of all pesticides. Anyrelevant information that the director may deem necessary may be specified byregulation. The records shall be kept for a period of two (2) years from thedate of the application to which the records refer, and the director shall,upon a request in writing, immediately be furnished with a copy of the recordsby the licensed commercial applicator.