§ 23-25-29 Protection of trade secrets andother information. (a) In submitting data required by this chapter, the applicant may:
(1) Clearly mark any portion of it which in his or heropinion are trade secrets or commercial or financial information; and
(2) Submit that marked material separately from othermaterial required to be submitted under this chapter.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, thedirector shall not make public information which in his or her judgmentcontains or relates to trade secrets or commercial or financial informationobtained from a person as privileged or confidential, except that, whennecessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, information relating toformulas of products acquired by authorization of this chapter may be revealedto any state or federal agency consulted, or as required by law, and may berevealed at a public hearing or in findings of fact issued by the director.
(c) If the director proposes to release for inspectioninformation which the applicant or registrant believes to be protected fromdisclosure under subsection (b) of this section, he or she shall notify theapplicant or registrant in writing by certified mail. The director shall notafter this make available for inspection that data until thirty (30) days afterreceipt of the notice by the applicant or registrant. During this period, theapplicant or registrant may institute an action in an appropriate court for adeclaratory judgment as to whether the information is subject to protectionunder subsection (b) of this section.