§ 23-25-32 Budget Receipt anddisposition of funds. (a) The director shall include in the annual budget sums of money necessary: tocarry out the pesticide control program as required by this chapter and the EPAapproved plan for certifying applicators, for the registration of pesticides,for office and other expenses including travel necessary for inspection andenforcement, and to employ sufficient employees to effectively carry out theprovisions of this chapter.
(b) All money received by the director under the provisionsof this chapter, 23-25-12(b)(2), 23-25-13(b)(3), 23-25-14(b)(3), and23-25-15(c)(5) shall be deposited into the general treasury as general revenues.
(c) All money received by the director as federalgrants-in-aid, contracts, and the like, to assist the state in carrying out acertification program shall be deposited into the general treasury to thecredit of a special fund to be used only for carrying out the provisions ofthis chapter.
(d) All money appropriated for the pesticide enforcement andcertification program shall be made available immediately and are specificallyappropriated to the director for the following purposes:
(1) To support the pesticide enforcement and certificationprogram;
(2) For payment of ancillary services, personnel, andequipment incurred to carry out the purposes of pesticide enforcement andcertification.