§ 23-25-7 Experimental use permits. (a) Provided the state is authorized by the administrator of EPA to issueexperimental use permits, the director may:
(1) Issue an experimental use permit to any person applyingfor an experimental use permit, if he or she determines that the applicantneeds the permit in order to accumulate information necessary to register apesticide under § 23-25-6(h). An application for an experimental usepermit may be filed at the time of or before or after an application forregistration is filed.
(2) Refuse to issue an experimental use permit, if he or shedetermines that issuance of the permit is not warranted or that the pesticideapplications to be made under the proposed terms and conditions may causeunreasonable adverse effects on the environment.
(3) Prescribe terms, conditions, and period of time for theexperimental use permit, which shall be under the supervision of the director.
(4) Revoke or modify any experimental use permit, at anytime, if he or she finds that its terms or conditions are being violated, orthat its terms and conditions are inadequate to avoid unreasonable adverseeffects on the environment.
(b) The director may develop and promulgate any otherrequirements by regulation that are necessary for the state plan to receivethat authorization from EPA.
(c) The director may limit or prohibit the use of anypesticide for which an experimental use permit has been issued by EPA, pursuantto § 5(a) of FIFRA, 7 U.S.C. § 136c(a), and which the director findsmay cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment.