§ 23-26-7.1 Sterilization, disinfectionand disinfestation of bedding and materials. (a) No person shall sell, offer for sale or include in a sale any item ofsecondhand bedding or any item of bedding of any type manufactured in whole orin part from secondhand material, including their component parts or wipingrags, unless such material has been sterilized, disinfected and cleaned, by amethod approved by the department of business regulation; provided, further,that any product used for sterilization or disinfection of secondhand beddingmust be registered as consumer and health benefit products and labeled for useon bedding and upholstered furniture by the EPA in accordance with §23-25-6 of this title. The department of business regulation shall promulgaterules and regulations consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
(b) No person shall use in the manufacture, repair andrenovation of bedding of any type any material which has been used by a personwith an infectious or contagious disease, or which is filthy, oily or harborsloathsome insects or pathogenic bacteria.
(c) No person shall sell, or offer for sale or include in asale any material or bedding which under the provisions of this chapter orregulations requires treatment unless there is securely attached in accordancewith regulations, a yellow tag not less than twelve square inches in size, madeof substantial cloth or a material of equal quality. Upon the tag there shallbe plainly printed, in black ink, in the English language, a statement showing:
(1) That the item or material has been treated by a methodapproved by the department of business regulation, and the method of treatmentapplied.
(2) The lot number and the tag number of the item treated.
(3) The license number of the person applying treatment.
(4) The name and address of the person for whom treated.
(d) The tag required by this section shall be in addition toany other tag required pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Holders oflicenses to apply sterilization, disinfection or disinfestation treatment shallbe required to keep an accurate record of all materials which have beensubjected to treatment, including the source of material, date of treatment,and the name and address of the receiver of each. Such records shall beavailable for inspection at any time by authorized representatives of thedepartment.
(e) Violations of this section shall be punishable by a finenot to exceed five hundred dollars ($500).