§ 23-27.3-100.1.3 Creation of the statebuilding code standards committee. (a) There is created as an agency of state government a state building codestandards committee who shall adopt, promulgate, and administer a statebuilding code for the purpose of regulating the design, construction, and useof buildings or structures previously erected, in accordance with arehabilitation building and fire code for existing buildings and structuresdeveloped pursuant to chapter 29.1 of this title, and to make any amendments tothem as they, from time to time, deem necessary or desirable, the building codeto include any code, rule, or regulation incorporated in the code by reference.
(b) A standing subcommittee is made part of the statebuilding code standards committee to promulgate and administer a state housingand property maintenance code for the purpose of establishing minimumrequirements and standards and to regulate the occupancy and use of existingpremises, structures, buildings, equipment, and facilities, and to makeamendments to them as deemed necessary.
(c) A joint committee, with membership as set forth in §23-29.1-2(a) from the state building code standards committee, shall developand recommend for adoption and promulgation, a rehabilitation building and firecode for existing buildings and structures, which code shall include buildingcode elements to be administered by the state building code standards committeeas the authority having jurisdiction over the elements.