§ 23-27.3-100.3 Construction. (a) This code shall be construed to secure its expressed intent which is toinsure public health, safety, and welfare insofar as they are affected bybuilding construction, through structural strength, adequate egress facilities,sanitary conditions, equipment, light and ventilation, and fire safety; and ingeneral, to secure safety to life, property, and community from all hazardsincidental to the design, erection, repair, removal, demolition, or use andoccupancy of buildings, structures, or premises.
(b) The intent of this code is also to effect theestablishment of uniform standards and requirements for construction andconstruction materials, compatible with accepted standards of engineering andfire prevention practices and public safety; the adoption of modern technicalmethods, devices, and improvements which may reduce the cost of constructionwithout affecting the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants or users ofbuildings; and the elimination of restrictive, obsolete, conflicting, andunnecessary building regulations and requirements which may increase the costof construction and maintenance over the life of the building, or retardunnecessarily the use of new materials, or which may provide unwarrantedpreferential treatment of types of classes of materials, products, or methodsof construction without affecting the health, safety, and security of theoccupants or users of the buildings.