§ 23-27.3-107.6 Certification of localbuilding officials Educational programs. (a) The state building commissioner and building code standards committee andappeals committee shall accept successful completion of programs of trainingdeveloped by public agencies as proof of qualification pursuant to §§23-27.3-107.5 and 23-27.3-107.1.1 to be eligible to be a local buildingofficial and inspector.
(b) Upon determination of qualification the state buildingcommissioner shall issue or cause to be issued a certificate to the buildingofficial or inspector stating that he or she is so certified. No person afterJuly 1, 1977 shall act as a building official or inspector for any municipalityunless the state building commissioner and the building code standards andappeals committee determine that he or she is so qualified, or has been issueda temporary certificate not to exceed twelve (12) months permitting theofficial or inspector to so qualify. The commissioner and committee may prepareand conduct educational programs designed to train and assist buildingofficials or inspectors in carrying out their responsibilities.