§ 23-27.3-108.2 State buildingcommissioner's duties. (a) This code shall be enforced by the state building commissioner as to anystructures or buildings or parts thereof that are owned or are temporarily orpermanently under the jurisdiction of the state or any of its departments,commissions, agencies, or authorities established by an act of the generalassembly, and as to any structures or buildings or parts thereof that are builtupon any land owned by or under the jurisdiction of the state.
(b) Permit fees for the projects shall be established by thecommittee. The fees shall be deposited as general revenues.
(c) The local cities and towns shall charge each permitapplicant an additional .1 (.001) percent (levy) of the total construction costfor each permit issued. The levy shall be limited to a maximum of fifty dollars($50.00) for each of the permits issued for one and two (2) family dwellings.This additional levy shall be transmitted monthly to the building commission atthe department of administration, and shall be used to staff and support theprograms described in this chapter. The fee levy shall be deposited as generalrevenues.
(d) The building commissioner shall, upon request by anystate contractor described in § 37-2-38.1, review, and when all conditionsfor certification have been met, certify to the state controller that thepayment conditions contained in § 37-2-38.1 have been met.